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About the Artist


Based in the South East of


England, Jane has been


exhibiting across London,


Brighton and the surrounding


areas for 20 years, but her


practice has


been building for far longer. 


Born from an awareness of harmony, balance and the resulting beauty, Jane's expert knowledge of people and spaces is what enables her work to be so captivating and ultimately, transformative. Incorporating the entirety of the nature that whirls around the sprawling Georgian farmhouse where she is based, Jane draws on a deeper understanding of the influence of the land and on the experience of existence, but undoubtedly, it is the playfulness, and the spontaneity, in her approach which allows the work to be so staggering.


Whether it be an original that changes the feel of a house, or a print that repurposes the role of

an office, the work will extend and encompass the space which it inhabits.

Jane is also an internationally best selling author.  
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